Friday, June 27, 2014


It's been almost 15 months since I've last written.
I'm not surprised.
I've completely lost myself.
Began to find myself.
Then lost all over again.
I've been through hell
and the trip is yet to be over.
Are things really getting better?
Do they actually ever reach that point?
What does that even mean?
I've had so many ups and downs, but whats the point if I'm constantly in a down?
The ups dont seem to last anymore
At least I'm sleeping again.
Thanks to the 2 year long restraining order..
Why did I involve myself with such a person?
Is that really what I thought I deserved,
To be beaten down, emotionally and physically,
Is that really how poorly I see myself?

I don't know what to think about much of anything anymore.

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